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Prehistory in the Balkans - Conference, 2023

We are glad to announce that the 9th Conference of the Center for Prehistory Research will be held on December 13th....

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Prehistory in the Balkans - Conference, 2022

This eighth edition of the conference "Prehistory in the Balkans"...

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We are pleased to invite you to the promotion of the new electronic book by Nikos Chausidis...

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“Prehistory in the Balkans” Conference 2021

On December 22nd, the Center for Prehistoric Research held the 7th Conference on prehistoric archaeology...

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Ljuboyna concert at Vrbjanska Čuka archaeological site

These days we are finilizing the archeological excavations at Vrbjanska...

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“Prehistory in Macedonia” Conference 2020

The international conference “Prehistory in Macedonia” took place on December 22nd...

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Concert of Antonie at Vrbjanska Chuka

Antonie, one of the few Macedonian solo vibraphonists, will have a concert with...

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“The Neolithic in Macedonia” Conference 2019

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the “Neolithic in Macedonia” Conference that will take place...

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Dunja Ivanova: Concert at Vrbjanska Chuka

Macedonian pianist Dunja Ivanova will have a concert at Vrbjanska Chuka in Pelagonia ...

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Wetlands vs. Drylands? Challenging Divides and Changing Archaeological Perspectives on Prehistoric Wetland Sites, Landscapes and Societies

Last week in Barcelona, the European Association of Archaeologists held its 24th meeting. There, together...

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Visit of the ambassador of Switzerland in Macedonia

During our research of the pile-dwelling settlement Ploča-Mićov Grad on Lake Ohrid...

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Archaeological investigations of Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia

We are approaching the finish of this year’s investigations of Vrbjanska Čuka in...

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Archaeological research on the prehistoric settlement Ploča-Mićov Grad

We have recently finished researching the prehistoric pile-dwelling settlement Ploča-Mićov Grad...

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Visit from Vesna Dimitrijević and Ivana Živaljević, zooarchaeologists from the University of Belgrade and the BioSense Institute

The past couple of weeks we hosted Vesna Dimitrijević and Ivana Živaljević...

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Lectures and meetings in Italy, Czech Republic and Serbia

These past couple of weeks we held lectures and meetings in several...

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Southeast European and Swiss Network in Wetland Archaeology

University of Bern

Last week CPR members attended a conference at the University of Bern...

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ArchaeoGIS: digital terrain modeling and spatial analyses in Archaeology

Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

The Center for Prehistoric Research has the pleasure of inviting all archaeology students...

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Conference for environmental archaeology


Last week CPR members attended a conference on environmental...

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Analysis of Neolithic harvesting techniques in Macedonia

Last week we had an excellent research with Juan Gibaja and Niccolò Mazzuco within...

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Wetlands vs Drylands

EAA, Barcelona

We would like to announce that the session of CPR and University of Durham for...

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The First Harvesters: early evolution of crop harvesting techniques in the Mediterranean

Museum of the City of Skopje

25 th January 2018, 14:00

We would like to invite you to the lecture entitled ‘The First Harvesters: early evolution of...

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Neolithic in Macedonia III

Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

The Center for Prehistoric Research in cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia organise the third edition of...

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Invitation for papers - Neolithic in Macedonia III

Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

We are pleased to announce the third conference Neolithic in Macedonia that will take place on the 13th of December...

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Wetland Archaeology and Prehistoric Networks in Europe

Kiev, Kaniv (Ukraine)

Last week, we participated at the Wetland Archaeology and Prehistoric Networks in Europe conference held in Kiev and Kaniv.

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European Science Diver 2017

21st August 2017

Lake Ohrid

Two days ago, on Lake Ohrid, we commenced European Science Diver.


Archaeological excavations at Vrbjanska Chuka ended

3rd July 2017

Last week, we finished the month-long research of Vrbjanska Chuka with excellent results.


The Second Phase of BIRTH Project

June 2017

Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the City of Skopje, Institute and Museum Bitola, Institute and Museum Shtip, Institute and Museum Prilep and Goce Delchev University, Shtip

Guided by BioSense Institute, the second phase of the BIRTH project was being executed during these last two weeks.

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Wetlands and Lakesides in Prehistoric Balkans

2nd June, 2017; 10:00AM

Laboratory for Dendrochronology, Zürich

On the 2nd of June, at the Laboratory for Dendrochronology in Zürich, we will have a lecture on Wetlands and Lakesides in Prehistoric Balkans.

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The Neolithic Balkans, a seminar at the University of Bern

25th May 2017, 09:15AM

Institute of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern

CPR held a seminar at the University of Bern during which Swiss undergraduate and postgraduate students researched the Balkan Neolithic, an archaeological domain still lacking in their curricula.

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Open call for training in zooarchaeology

28th April 2017, 12PM

Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

We would like to inform you about the open call for training in zooarchaeology for graduate and postgraduate students.

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Fertility in Prehistory, lecture by Sofija Stefanovic

5th April 2017, 01:00PM

Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

The Center for Prehistoric Research cordially invites you to the lecture of prof. Sofija Stefanovic, (BioSense Institute), one of the most eminent anthropologists in Europe.

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Bronze Age Hoards of South Bohemia

29th March 2017 (Wednesday), 01:00PM

Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

We cordially invite you to attend the lecture on prehistoric cultural heritage from the Czech Republic held by Ondrej Chvojka and Jan John.

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Exhibition regarding Neolithic mothers and babies of the Balkans

March, 2017

University of Novi Sad

Within BIRTH: Prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10 000 - 5 000 cal BC project, a cooperation between BioSense Institute and CPR was established, resulting into an exhibition entitled ‘New Age: the life of mothers and babies of the Neolithic in the Balkans‘, which occurred at the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad.

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Lecture on Vrbjanska Chuka in the municipality of Krivogashtani

16th of February 2017

Municipality of Krivogashtani

On 16th of February 2017, a lecture regarding the research of the site of Vrbjanska Chuka last year was held, which CPR has realized with the Museum and the Institute for cultural heritage protection from Prilep, the University of Southern Bohemia and the Institute for ancient Slavic culture.

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Lecture on photogrammetry and 3D modeling of the cultural heritage

Museum of the City of Skopje, museums and institutes for protection of cultural heritage from Bitola and Prilep

As part of the BIRTH: Prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10 000 - 5 000 cal BC project, the Neolithic house models from the Museum of the City of Skopje and the museums and institutes for protection of cultural heritage from Bitola and Prilep were photogrammetrically documented.

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Lecture on photogrammetry and 3D modeling of the cultural heritage

14th February 2017

Museum of Macedonia

The Museum of Macedonia and CPR have organized the lecture of Jugoslav Pendic of the BioSense Institute from Novi Sad entitled ‘Photogrammetry in documentation and presentation of the cultural heritage’.

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Archaeological conference “Neolithic in Macedonia II”


Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

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Prehistoric Wetlands and Lakes - international scientific meeting

11.05.2016 – 17.05.2016

Museum of Macedonia, Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje City Museum, Museum of Bitola and Millennium Palace Hotel

The latest advances and challenges in wetland archaeology will be presented in NEENAWA Scientific Meeting with the contribution of more than 20 participants from Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia and Macedonia.

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Early Agricultural Communities in Southwest Ukraine


Museum of Macedonia

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Archaeological conference “Neolithic in Macedonia II”

23.12.2015 (10:00)

Museum of Macedonia

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"Cult towards the cult"


Museum of Macedonia